Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Learning Spanish in Dominican Republic

     I am still in the process of getting all my papers together to apply to UNIBE. While I am waiting for that to clear up, I have decided to look for a Spanish tutor that can help improve my Spanish so that I can be confident for the entrance exam. I am also looking for someone who could be a possible tutor for the summer when they accept me so that I can be ready for this language at university level. So far it has been a hassle. I am actually pretty good at Spanish. Growing up in a Dominican family (first generation American), at home all we spoke was Spanish pretty much.
     A family member found a tutor. She is actually a professor at a university here called Pontifica Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) in the capital and has more than enough experience. The first day I met her, she was great and she evaluated me to see where I stood in understanding the language. I really wanted to meet with her again because she was very nice and she definitely demonstrated that she knew what she was doing and talking about but, she charges RD$700 an hour. This is about US$18. My plans were to have her tutor me everyday for a week and then take the exam but, US$18 a day is a bit much, in my opinion.
     Next option, was to look for institutions that had a program of Spanish for foreigners. I called institution after institution and most of them offered the program for three months, which I don't have because it would interfere with school. They also said that I had to take a package of at least 30 hours a month that would amount to RD$26,000 (about US$668). I was shocked. I ended up turning to the Internet for private tutors. Surprisingly I found a lot and made about 8 phone calls.


@ mydominicanjourney@gmail.com
or comment below : D
I'm here to help!

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