Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pictures of the Day

     I took these pictures with my phone camera here in Santiago.

@ mydominicanjourney@gmail.com
or comment below : D
I'm here to help!


  1. Hello, Im very interested in attending this chool, I am first generation, USA born Dominican... my main questions are
    1. How was the entrance exam?
    2. What is the level of spanish like in school? Any tips on how to improve quickly (i am native but insecure)

    IT would be awesome if you posted a picture of an assignment/lecture/exam to see the level of content and difficulty of the language/subjects

    3. What year of med school are you in? Thanks!

  2. Hello Marie! Thanks for posting a comment.
    I am actually first generation, USA born with Dominican parents! So that's cool lol
    Okay now to the questions:
    1/2) The entrance exam was pretty easy. UNIBE actually gives you a study guide for the exam including sample questions and a practice exam at the end. If you go over that you'll do fine. Also, try to read as many books, newspaper articles in spanish. Not only will you be more familiar with grammar but you will know what is going on in the country.
    3) I'm currently in my third semester ;)

    As for the sample assignment, I posted a general biology syllabus.
    Here's the link
